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Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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BIZENTRO's logo is inspired by Mobius' permanence, ​ representing a company that constantly accepts customers' needs, and gains their confidence.​

  • Logo Type


    Bizentro logos have basic, intermediate, and minimum types. In principle, the basic type is used, and if it is difficult to apply basic types such as habitats, uniforms, and fraud, intermediate and minimum types can be used. The logo of the Bizentro cannot be modified or modified, and must be used according to the prescribed regulations.

  • Signature

    Horizontal ENG
    Horizontal KOR
    Vertical ENG
    Vertical KOR

    Our logo shall be used for forms, prints, etc. and maintain proper space and proportion for basic signatures and statements. The basic type is usually used and the application type is also available depending on the situation. But if you want to enlarge or reduce the logo, maintain the proportion of the character size or space.

  • Slogan

    Slogan ENG
    Slogan KOR

    The combination between the signature and logo can be used according a media, and maintain the proportion.

  • Logo Color


    PANTONE 293C
    C92   M78   Y11   K0
    R30   G73   B155

    BIZENTRO Sliver

    PANTONE 293C
    C92   M78   Y11   K0
    R30   G73   B155


    PANTONE 872C
    C34   M36   Y84   K6
    R170   G147   B74

    BIZENTRO Black

    Available in black and white media only

    In principle, the logo shall be printed in spot color but may be printed in four primary colors depending on a medium. There may be minor differences in color reproduction depending on the printing method, ink concentration, paper type, etc., but it should be kept optimal. For sub colors, gold and silver can be used for special expressions in some cases.