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Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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ITO Consulting Services

Provides system construction and change management services to respond quickly to changes in the business environment, strengthen corporate competitiveness and system efficiency.

Based on customer work process understanding and IT expertise, Bizentro provides customized total services from system construction to consignment operations for ERP, MES, BI, PORTAL, and HR.​​

Provide timely work process improvement and diagnostic services with the support of IT experts who understand the customer's work process.

  • Process improvement

    It enables rapid response by reflecting customer needs according to changes in business environment and management strategies in a timely manner. ​

  • IT Diagnostics

    Provide current level diagnosis and innovation directions through work environment, customer needs, and operational data analysis.

  • IT Expert Support

    With the services of IT experts who understand customer business, it is possible to improve IT operational efficiency and IT management costs.

Through ITO service, you can improve IT operation efficiency and strengthen corporate competitiveness. ​

Stable and continuous IT operation is possible with process improvement and change management services according to business environment and business strategy changes. In addition, it is easy to improve IT operation efficiency and quickly apply and utilize new technologies based on understanding customer business processes and IT expertise. ​

  • Enhancing work efficiency and competitiveness

    Based on the understanding of customer business processes through dedicated consultants, we make timely process improvements and support to respond to the rapidly changing business environment by providing improved IT services.

  • Improved IT Operational Efficiency

    Unifying service contacts and services from IT experts enable IT operational efficiency and improving IT management costs.

  • Latest IT technology support

    Apply the latest IT technology to your work environment to provide efficient and optimized customized services.