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Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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PI Consulting

Identify and diagnose problems of current work to derive solutions, and redesign corporate work process by embodying the TO-BE model for each task.

PI projects enable you to optimize corporate processes by handling problems in a comprehensive and balanced manner. Calculate expected PI effects by task to clarify performance goals through PI promotion and select a priority.

PI projects enable you to optimize corporate processes by handling problems in a comprehensive and balanced manner.

  • Implementation Power Securement through
    Continuous Process Improvement Activities

    Eliminating non-value-added and repetitive work

    Continuous voluntary change management activities

  • Reasonable Performance Measurement Foundation

    Effective performance measures development

    Development of operational indicators for performance measurement

  • Simplification, standardization to Accelerate Corporate Operation

    Rationalize process flow

    Increase efficiency by minimizing complexity of work

  • Establishment of Enterprise-optimized Operation Standard

    Setting up for the purpose of the process

    Efficient operation of processes

  • Process System Chart
  • Process MAP
  • Process Definition
  • Process Analysis

Process System Chart

Plot work functions as a chart according to main and support functions. Work processes and activities are linked to appropriate work functions.

Understand activities within the enterprise easily. Schematize all tasks performed by each department in terms of functions of the work regardless of the performance department and use the charts as basic data for analyzing future work. Use as a simple tool to communicate with management.

Process MAP

A map that provides a quick and simple view of the workflow and relationship between the input and output processes: Sub-process Map

Chart the relationship between sub-activities that make up the sub-process, showing I/F (information) on other processes

To understand the business performance procedure in detail To understand corporate business processes To select process innovation and improvement targets To identify non-value-added processes and operations To identify the relation between processes and the flow of input and output information between processes

Process Definition

Document that describes the process management items. Create by process map level. Continuously update for process improvement and management.

Create contents of information to identify and manage processes. Create association of processes and flow of information between major activities. Create a person in charge of managing and performing the process. Provide information on improvement opportunities to facilitate continuous improvement of the process.

Process Analysis

Refers to the current process diagnosis performed to derive process issues. It refers to diagnosing the current process, deriving issues, and creating a process issue list by comparing and evaluating the results of analyzing the current process with a process reference model, etc. for a specific selected work process area.

Objective To derive process issues from selected process areas​
  • Bohae Brewery

    Standardize the corporate business system, establish an integrated information system based on ERP, and strengthen IT capabilities as a leader of change.

  • Wonik QnC

    Improve and standardize processes, design and finalize TO-BE processes, advance ERP and set expansion solutions.

  • SKC Solmics

    Improve an infrastructure to support mid- to long-term business strategies, unify management across business sectors, analyze problems and design optimal plans.

  • SFA

    Improve the competitiveness of management systems, establish processes appropriate for the target industry, establish cost and profit analysis systems, and maintain processes and data.

  • Hansol Technics Co., LTD.

    Improving Process Reestablishment Deviated Work Methods for Business Change Improving Process Improvement ERP Utilization by Business place / Organization / Workplace

  • Jeongsan International Co., Ltd.

    Efficiency-based process system, standard process, Enhanced the function of the in/outside supply chain