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Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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Internal accounting controls

provides an Internal accounting controls solution to efficiently respond to legal and institutional revisions.

As an optimal solution for Internal accounting controls applied with
best practices by various customers, we provide strong openness and ease of use.

It overcomes the limitations of the existing operation method and provides new value by improving work productivity.

By applying the e-Government standard framework, we provide excellence in versatility
and scalability, and it is an optimal solution that can improve compliance while performing
evaluations easier and faster with a minimum number of people.

  • Compliance with laws and global issues

    Flexible acceptance of consulting for the four major global and major accounting firms

    Application of Risk Control Matrix (RCM) of various sizes and industries

    Reflecting core issues and know-how of global SOX (MRC, IPE, etc.)

    The first commercialized Internal accounting controls system solution in Korea

  • Ease of use and strong security

    Convenient User Environment (UX) and Intuitive Interface (UI)

    System setting possible according to business characteristics of various industries and customers

    Compliance with strict security architecture and security standard coding

  • Systematic education and stable technical support

    An educational curriculum based on thorough case analysis and experience

    Expedited technical support by allocating dedicated expert to each customer

    Rich experience in product development, problem solving, and customer support

The image of a company can be enhanced through effective Internal accounting controls
that reflects best practices at inside and outside of the country. ​

The Internal accounting controls solution is composed by optimizing the K-SOX work system.
By configuring the evaluation procedure in the form of WorkFlow, evaluation and monitoring
can be performed easily, and user convenience is improved through linking system and additional functions. ​

  • Design/operation evaluation/reporting

    RCM registration and change

    Designation of a controller

    WTT, MRC, IPE, EUC management

    Sampling Management

  • Scoping

    Account registration

    Significant account judgment (qualitative/quantitative evaluation)

    IT process mapping

    Sub-process evaluation

  • Evaluation plan/implementation

    Establishment of evaluation plan

    Perform Self-diagnosis

    Sampling Registration/Upload supporting files

    Design/operation evaluation

  • Evaluation and reporting

    Shortcomings evaluation

    Perform improvement of shortcomings

    Evaluation conclusion

    Creation and certification of operation status report

  • Monitoring

    Evaluation Status

    Progress by department/process

    MRC, IPE performance status

    Sampling/evidence file implementation status

  • Add-ons

    Approval document inquiry and delegation

    Approval management

    Interface (SSO, messenger) management

    Notice/Notification function

  • Quick reflection of external audit law and best practices

    Establishment of an optimal business process that complies with the revised external audit law

    Consistent reflection of the best standards for the internal accounting management system

    One step ahead of global best practice

  • Improving the efficiency of human resource utilization

    Improvement of work convenience (e.g. role assignment, delegation, takeover, notification)

    Improving evaluation efficiency through information sharing and collaboration

    Minimization of human resources required for system operation

  • Building a one-stop operating platform

    Integration of control design-operation-evaluation-reporting tasks in a single platform

    Performance management by department, person in charge, process, and control

    Systematic management of lack of control

  • Enhancing the independence and objectivity of control assessment

    Improving the objectivity of control evaluation through integrated management of vast amounts of documents and outputs (e.g., strict sampling management, sampling automation, trace management)

    Increase the ability to prove the credibility of evaluation procedures and conclusions