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Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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Conflict Minerals

provides a strong management solution environment that can provide efficient ways of identifying the origin for companies that may be affected by conflict mineral regulations.

As a management service (determination of country of origin of conflict minerals,
issuance, storage, and post-verification) through automatic linkage with ERP,
it is a solution that enables tracking and management of the country of origin
of conflict minerals for companies that have transactions with overseas export-related companies.

Conflict minerals solution minimizes corporate risk
by providing tools for tracking and managing country of origin inquiry.

Since the legal obligations of the conflict minerals regulation are very complex
and can be interpreted in a variety of ways, it is possible to clearly interpret
all the requirements of the regulation, issue a report on the country of origin determination based
on standardized data, and provide various management tools to business partners to
conduct due diligence and tracking of conflict minerals.

  • Automated
    standard interface

    provides standardized interfaces for various ERP and Legacy systems.

  • Providing various partner
    management tools

    Providing a web portal function of a partner company to receive CMRT, it is possible to efficiently receive and manage CMRT from the partner company.
    *Conflict Minerals
    Reporting Template (CMRT)

  • Provides country of origin tracking for due diligence.

    In preparation for due diligence on conflict minerals, it is possible to trace the manufacturing history and purchase history according to whether conflict minerals usage for each product.

  • Various issuance options
    and reports

    By automatically generating CMRT information for each product, it promotes the efficiency of tasks related to CMRT issuance and verification.

  • Compliance

    We establish policies and procedures to effectively respond to conflict minerals compliance and audits.

  • Measurable Improvement
    (Measurable Improvement)

    Through the conflict minerals management system, indicators for quantitative improvement required by the OECD guidelines can be presented.

  • Risk Management
    (Risk Management)

    We can minimize the risks that a company may suffer from non-compliance with conflict minerals regulations, and manage post-verification risks.

  • CI Enhancement
    (CI Enhancement)

    Corporate image regarding social responsibility can be improved through active response to conflict minerals.