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Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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52-Hour Work Week

Provides a solution that can manage the 52-hour workweek for Work-Life Balance.

It is easy and convenient to manage anytime, anywhere in line with changes in the way you work and the working environment. Executives and employees can check and apply for attendance quickly, and managers can check attendance and attendance details in real time.

  • Easy attendance management anywhere with multi-device

    Easily check attendance with one touch in the app

    You can check the work status and schedule and apply for attendance anywhere on the web/mobile

  • Flexible operation through corporate customization

    We provide functions to set various types of work systems for each company/industry.

    We provide detailed setting functions such as work type, used day, different time zone and managers.

  • Cloud service support

    Reduced burden of hardware installation and maintenance costs based on cloud

    Periodic updates available to reflect new features and policies

Provides convenient functions for managing attendance, such as managing various work systems, real-time work records, and work schedules.

Shift Management

Support for the management of various work system policies such as elasticity, choice, and discretionary work.

Arrival/Leave Management

Easily record arrival/leave by linking with PC, mobile and access system

Work Schedule Management

Manage working hours by individual/departmental schedule, commuting status, vacation schedule, etc.

Attendance Application and Approval

Easy processing of application and approval related to attendance

Vacation Management

Convenient vacation management and all types of leave management through systematic process establishment

Link to API

Easy and convenient linkage support with operating systems such as ERP/HR system/groupware

Efficiently manage the working environment and improve overall company productivity

  • Managers

    Compliance with the 52 work hours per week.

    Flexible working hours and customized working environment

    Automated employee attendance management

    Use of labor audit evidence

  • Employees

    Individual work schedule management

    Pre-check overtime hours

    Reduction of unnecessary overtime and working on holidays