Shift Management
Support for the management of various work system policies such as elasticity, choice, and discretionary work.
대표전화 : 080-500-2020
Tel : 080-500-2020
Điện thoại : +82)80-500-2020
Digital Transformation Solution No.1
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Easily check attendance with one touch in the app
You can check the work status and schedule and apply for attendance anywhere on the web/mobile
We provide functions to set various types of work systems for each company/industry.
We provide detailed setting functions such as work type, used day, different time zone and managers.
Reduced burden of hardware installation and maintenance costs based on cloud
Periodic updates available to reflect new features and policies
Support for the management of various work system policies such as elasticity, choice, and discretionary work.
Easily record arrival/leave by linking with PC, mobile and access system
Manage working hours by individual/departmental schedule, commuting status, vacation schedule, etc.
Easy processing of application and approval related to attendance
Convenient vacation management and all types of leave management through systematic process establishment
Easy and convenient linkage support with operating systems such as ERP/HR system/groupware
Compliance with the 52 work hours per week.
Flexible working hours and customized working environment
Automated employee attendance management
Use of labor audit evidence
Individual work schedule management
Pre-check overtime hours
Reduction of unnecessary overtime and working on holidays