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Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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It is an integrated analysis solution that collects various equipment data of the company in real time and enables real-time diagnosis and facility control with AI-based learning and analysis.

It is a cloud-based AI analysis platform that supports all areas of data analysis. Services include data collection, pre-processing, storage, AI-based analysis and API service based on AI and big data open source.

Analytics allows non-experts to easily analyze data and visualize the results.

Based on a distributed parallel infrastructure, it aims at a full periodic solution from various data sources to providing domain application services, and provides platform capabilities to configure and operate systems ranging from collection-loading-processing-analysis-serving of data.

  • Even non-experts can easily analyze
    and visualize results.

    provides a Use Case through parameterization of the collection and analysis model that can be used without expertise in data analysis.

  • AI Model Life Cycle Management

    provides a dash board that can manage/monitor AI model cycles leading to continuous collection, analysis, performance evaluation and serving.

  • Ease of distribution/management of deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) models

    The AI ​​model is provided based on the workflow, so it can be easily modified/retrained, and it can be easily linked with other systems by distributing it in the form of Rest API.

  • Support for distributed parallel-based big data processing.

    Big data engines can be used to process large amounts of data in real time based on distributed parallels.

Data generated in the manufacturing process of ERP and MES can be analyzed with AI algorithms to diagnose problems and improve quality levels.

It collects and analyzes data across all areas of the business to reduce costs, minimize defects, detect failures early, and provide energy saving measures and contribute to productivity improvement.

  • Strengthening corporate competitiveness through digital transformation

    Even without data analysis experts, customers can easily and quickly introduce competitive AI services into the business by giving new value to their data.

  • Efficient AI service operation

    Through SaaS services, the burden of investment funds, post-management such as maintenance, and difficulties in securing professionals are minimized.

  • Utilization of verified pre-template based on Best Practice

    The pre-built model created based on the experience accumulated through ERP and MES business provides high-performance analysis results.

  • Establishment of fast big data analysis environment

    A big data analysis environment that usually takes several months can be built with just a click without complicated processes.