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Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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UNIRPA conducts simple repetitive tasks of the company ‘365 days 24 hours’. It’s the optimal solution to innovatively improve corporate productivity.

By automating business processes with AI-based business automation solutions for corporate digital innovation, you can reduce the time and cost of repetitive work and improve the work environment allowing focus on high-value tasks.

The RPA Platform innovates the business productivity by letting the S/W robot handle the tasks that are simply and repeatedly performed.

  • Easy and fast process
    by using RPA Platform

    We provide intuitive automation process tools that support simple business process design.

  • RPA
  • RPA Platform linked with UNIERP · UNIMES

    By providing a private library to control UNIERP · UNIMES, it is possible to apply a quick automation process.

It’s an AI-based business automation solution for corporate digital innovation that automates business processes and reduces the time and cost of repetitive tasks allowing focus on high-value tasks.

By reducing simple tasks, company workers can focus on high-value tasks.

AS RPA performs the repetitive tasks performed everyday instead, human error is reduced and work quality is improved.

Non-stop operation possible 365 days 24 hours

Because it is possible to perform non-stop operation through Bot, you can redesign your business and innovate your productivity.

  1. Accounts receivable
    deposit processing tasks

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  2. Electronic Tax Invoice
    (Accounting Business)

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