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Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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Enhance manufacturing competitiveness with UNIMES,
an optimal ICT-based smart factory solution.

UNIMES is a solution that realizes a smart manufacturing environment by
collecting data throughout the production process in real time, providing
analysis data and supporting reasonable production and quality innovation activities.

UNIMES is the optimal MES solution for ICT-based factory automation.

In a rapidly changing manufacturing environment, there is an increasing demand for informatization of
manufacturing sites to enhance the competitiveness of companies.
UNIMES strengthens corporate competitiveness by organically connecting with core systems and utilizing
the latest ICT technologies to collect, analyze, and share production, quality,
and logistics information at manufacturing sites in real time.

  • Smart Factory
    Supply Solution

    Automatic collection and process control with real-time production information using the latest IoT technology

    Support for a mobile-based smart working environment

    Using information collected in real time as a decision-making resource

  • Easy and convenient solutions for users

    Reliable information collection using ICT technologies such as barcode, RFID, PLC, and sensors

    Easier and more convenient infrastructure for users, such as touch screens

    Familiar experiences with MS Office style interface

  • Integrated production management solutions optimized for manufacturing sites

    Providing a support system to quickly detect and handle problems by visualizing production sites

    Management of 5M1E to monitor real-time manufacturing history tracking and accurate cost information

    Real-time information aggregation and multi-dimensional analysis using big data

UNIMES completely responds to smart factories to enhance corporate competitiveness.

In a rapidly changing manufacturing environment, there is an increasing demand for informatization of manufacturing sites to enhance the competitiveness of companies. UNIMES is organically linked with core systems and utilizes the latest ICT technologies to collect, analyze, and share production, quality, and logistics information at manufacturing sites in real time.

  • Basic Module
  • Expansion Module
  • Master Data Management
  • Production Management
  • Work Management
  • Quality Management
  • Manufacturing Terminal Management
  • Monitoring

Master Data Management

Manage production master data for manufacturing site management in conjunction with UNIERP.

Master data is managed for manufacturing site management such as system master data, item information, and client information, and link to UNIERP master data in real time.

System master data, common code information, item information, client information, organizational information

Production Management

Generate work instructions in connection with production plans of ERP and SCM, and manage production performance based on work instructions at the site.

Work instructions are generated and production performance is managed by linking production planning information managed by ERP, SCM, etc.

Production plan management, work instruction management, performance compared to plan, allocation of work resources, work instruction status

Work Management

Produce and manage the production performance according to the work instructions.

Workers at the site start the work according to the work instructions and manage the production performance.

Work instruction management, work performance management, work performance analysis, 4M analysis management, rework management

Quality Management

Manage the process quality through product inspection information for each item.

Quality of produced products and semi-finished products are managed by controlling inspection types, inspection items, and items by inspection.

Inspection type management, inspection item management, inspection item by product, inspection by client, item management by inspection

On-site Terminal Management

Handle the production status using the terminal at the site.

Facilitate the work at the field through work instruction management and material input management.

Work instruction status, work management, worker management, work facility management, material input management


Monitors the operation status of the production site by collecting field data

It collects data from various sites and monitors the production status of the collected sites.

Work Order Status, Facility Operation Status, Message Management, Overall Production Status, Production Status by Process
  • Logistics Management
  • Facility Management
  • Mold Management
  • App (Mobile)

Logistics Management

Efficiently manage logistics from warehousing to shipping.

Operation efficiency of the warehouse is improved through warehousing management, shipment management, and inventory management of materials, semi-finished products, and products.

Master data, warehousing management, shipping management, inventory management, settlement management

Facility Management

Efficiently manage on-site facility by managing facility maintenance items and maintenance inspection.

Facility operation efficiency is improved by managing preventive maintenance cycles and conditions for each facility.

Facility maintenance item management, maintenance inspection by facility, daily inspection management by facility, regular inspection management of facility, and facility inspection status

Mold Management

Manage the mold condition by controlling mold PM item and molding.

Mold quality is stabilized by maintaining the optimal mold condition by managing mold PM items, molding status, mold punching number, mold inventory, etc.

Mold PM item management, work management by mold, punching number management by mold, warehousing management, release management

App (Mobile)

Improve input efficiency for field workers with the latest mobile devices.

Data processing and production status can be checked at the site through mobile devices such as PDAs and tablet PCs.

Facility maintenance plan status, facility maintenance history management, facility maintenance history status, facility production history status, mold PM plan status

It enhances manufacturing competitiveness through manufacturing information management and intelligence solutions.

The real-time production information and production performance data provided by UNIMES enables transparent management of production sites and reduction of production costs, and ultimately provides the effect of increasing the productivity of the company.

  • Real-time Material and Inventory Management

    Materials and inventory are managed in real time, reducing time to identify materials/stock and improving accuracy.

  • Real-time Production Performance Management

    Increase output per hour compared to the input as production performance is managed in real time.

  • Process Lead Time Management

    Reduce production time by managing process lead time.

  • Misinput Production Prevention

    Reduce defects and improve quality by preventing production with misinput.

  • Facility Operating Time Management

    Increase facility efficiency by managing facility operating time.

  • Increased Production Management Efficiency

    Reduce production cost and keep delivery compliance rate by increasing production efficiency.

Compare models before and after introduction.