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Digitalization Platform

Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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Smart Factory

Smart factories, convenient management!
The leap into a leading company is the Bizentro Smart Factory solution.

As the corporate field becomes more advanced and complex, data increases, and data plays an important role in decision-making.
BIZENTRO Smart Factory Solution aims to maximize manufacturing competitiveness by introducing new technologies to these manufacturing sites to collect,
analyze, share, optimize, and control all manufacturing-related information in real time.

BIZENTRO Smart Factory Solution

BIZENTRO provides a total solution service for building a smart factory for customers' smart factory.

In order to implement a smart factory across the manufacturing environment, Bizentro supports the entire process from material logistics to data collection,
control, and process at the site to analysis as an integrated solution.

Bizentro provide an optimized smart factory platform for automated and intelligent manufacturing companies to realize digital transformation, keep product quality and operate facilities.​