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Digitalization Platform

Digital Transformation Solution No.1




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Innovative Technologies

Bizentro's pwoerful solutions can completed the enterprise's digital transformation.

Complete digital transformation through Bizentro's Innovative Technologies which connected all resources to IT technologies and analyzes data.

In the artificial intelligence age, BIZENTRO can make the enterpreise's future more sucessful.

BIZENTRO provide a digitalization platform that can help companies realize digital transformation, keep product quality and operate facilities by identifying and addressing business processes, manufacturing and facility operational issues through our smart enterprise, smart factory, innovative technologies, and smart infrastructure.


shortening time 96%

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90% reduction in working hours per day.

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  • Optimal Productivity

    Real-time interworking with sales, logistics and accounting information

    Maximized integration and efficiency
    through real-time work interworking

    Simplifying document procedures, reducing manual tasks and improving the accuracy of financial data through automatic journalizing.

    Reduced slip processing and
    slip entry error prevention

  • Excellent Quality Reliability

    Improved quality management reliability by sharing quality information and standardizing inspection criteria

    Optimized quality work by standardizing quality inspection and integrating with other processes

    Established an efficient quality improvement system by establishing a defect prevention system

  • Reasonable Management System

    Profit-centered management system based on profit and loss analysis

    Established a responsibility management system for reasonable evaluation and compensation

  • Improved cost competitiveness

    Increased cost competitiveness by reducing purchasing costs and inventory costs

    Reduced purchase costs by securing purchasing capabilities and strengthening power of negotiation

    Reduced labor expenses and operating expenses

    Reduced inventory costs by optimizing supply and demand plans and improving inventory turnover