We provide integrated solutions for companies seeking for digital transformation.
We support digital transformation from the entire perspectives of the company.

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Tel : 080-500-2020
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Digital Transformation Solution No.1
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We support digital transformation from the entire perspectives of the company.
The BIZENTRO Digitalization Platform connects business and organization to each other and provides a fast process speed by implementing an integrated work environment.
Provide a work environment where processes, such as general management, on-site management, manufacturing, finance and supply chain, are interconnected.
Improve business communication by supporting organizations' smooth communication and working and collaboration environment.
It is possible to automate repetitive and standardized manual tasks through RPA and Chatbot, and build an automated operation environment for manufacturing sites through the collection, analysis, and control of manufacturing site information through IoT sensors.
We provide an environment in which corporate data can be analyzed in a variety of ways by applying AI and machine learning techniques.
Bizentro provide an environment where you can focus more on linked tasks to accelerate digital transformation for SMEs and large companies.
Bizentro provide a Digitallzation Platform for faster and more useful digital transfromation to enterprise who preparing for the 4th industrial revolution.
Bizentro's Digitallzation Platform provides an integrated environment of management, production, manufacturing, distribution and services, and an advanced management system that raises the competitiveness of companies in the 4th industrial revolution.
Solution that provides the working environment required to run a business, consisting of necessary work functions according to the size of business. (Multi-demensional costs and profit and loss analysis, consolidated accounting, etc.)
An automation solution that provides an environment of real-time information collection, analysis, and control by connecting with facilities and equipment in various fields such as manufacturing and distribution
A communication solution that provides a communication environment between work and organization in line with business solutions such as internal and external business communication and internal decision
A solution that provides a data analysis environment to analyze and utilize information collected through corporate activities.
Solution provides a powerful and strategic solutions necessary to reinforcement of enterpreise's HR competitiveness and realized the core values pursued by the enterprise.
A solution for real-time management of all operations in a warehouse such as shipping and receiving, inventory check, movement management, return management, etc.